We also had the pleasure of going golfing that Sunday with Matt's mom who was in town from Kansas. Of course for her the 60 degree weather was tropical. She left Kansas and it was -13 I think and had just snowed for a couple days. Needless to say it was hard for her to leave on Monday. It was a great weekend with her.

I am so ready for Christmas! Tomorrow is the last day I have to work until Jan. 4 and I could not be happier. Today the coach that I work for gave me a present and I almost cried. Working for him has it's ups and downs, but I am sure every job does. I have worked with the team for over a year now and this is the first time he has every done anything to show me he appreciated me. So needless to say I was very shocked but also very touch also. I enjoy my job very much and I don't need a lot of reassurance that I am doing a good job but sometimes the little things do help.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!! I plan on doing Christmas cards next year, we will see if that happens!