Friday night we met Lea, Chris, Lisa and Randy out at George's and had way too much fun. Spending time with great friends helped when some of the people from high school showed up and completely ignored us. I was not too surprised because I knew they would be like to me but not to Lea. It did give her more of a reason not to go. She was able to catch up with some of the girls that she had not seen since high school and that was great. I spent most of the night just hanging out with Matt, Chris, Lisa and Randy while Lea caught up with old friends.

Saturday night was my dad's birthday so we went to Austin's on the Avenue for dinner and stayed to party the night away! I was able to finally meet Lindsay Uptmore, the wife of Pat Uptmore who was a great friend of mine in high school. She is wonderful and I look forward to spending more time with them when I am in Waco. Angela Faust Chouinard came out on Saturday night and I forgot how much I loved that girl. She was such a great friend of Lea and I in high school but we all lost touch. She is doing great and it was so fun to catch up her and Richard.

I had a great time this weekend, and had time to reflect on a lot of things. I truly can not say if I am going to go to my 10yr high school reunion that is coming up in a year. I saw how my sister was treated by people she was friends with in high school and I just don't know if I can handle it as well as she did. Lea, you are so strong and I admire you so much. I hope that my class will be different, but I am still worried about it and afraid that nothing will have changed. But we will see.