Thursday, March 5, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I have been so busy lately that I have not kept up with this at all. So a little about what has been going on.

First the wedding is only weeks away and I am getting so excited. We mailed out invitations a few weeks ago so its happening! We also bought Matt's ring last Sunday. He was so picky, but it was cute. He kept saying that he wants what he wants because he will be wearing it for the rest of his life. That made me smile. We are heading up to KS this weekend for another round of counseling. This is the second to last one so that just shows us how close the big day is. Matt is also having his bachelor party this weekend, so I am sure I will be the one driving back on Sunday and letting him sleep :) Other than that we are getting the last few decorations togther and the last few payments with our vendors. We are so excited and can't wait to finally be husband and wife.

Next weekend I will be going up to KS alone for the first time since decemeber. It will be so weird to travel it by myself. I will be heading up there for a shower and my bachelorette party. I am very excited and can't wait to hang out with friends and family up in KS. I am sad that my mom and sister can not go but I will be able to hang out with them at the end of March. It just stinks because I really wanted them there to meet Matt's family and to just be a part of what is going on, but I also understand their reasoning.

Other than finishing wedding details and work not much else is going on. The one big thing that has happened lately is that one of my closetest friends in the world got engaged last sunday! She and I have been friends since like 6th grade, which is a long time. She means the world to me. Since high school we have both lived in different cities or states until this past year when we both lived in Arlington for a short time before she followed her heart to South Carolina. Even through the distance she has remained one of the most important people in my life. She is like a sister to me! So Congratulations Amber and Chris. I so happy for you both! Below are a picture of Amber and Chris, her beautiful ring, and their own private beach where he propsed. They met in Jamaica so he wanted to propose on a beach, it was cold in SC so he brought the beach inside. So sweet!

1 comment:

Kensie said...

LOVE your new background!!

I know you're excited about the wedding! Brandon was exactly the same way about his ring. We designed one for him and before it was ready, he saw another one that we BOTH loved! If he's gonna wear it forever, get him what he wants! ;-)

I know you'll be a beautiful bride!! I'm SO stoked for you!!
