Friday, September 27, 2013

5 Months!!!

Oh goodness it has been a LONG time since I have posted anything.  Such a bad blogger!  I have a really good excuse though....this guy

Yep, I just can't get enough of him so it is SO hard to pull myself away at night to get a blog together.  He has changed so much in the last 3 months it is crazy!  The last time I blogged he was just 2 months, and now he is 5!  Where does the time go?  I have loved every single moment of my life the last 5 months, even those sleepless nights.  Hunter is now eating solid food, sitting in a high chair at the table, holding himself up on his hands and knees, moving backwards, laughing, sleeping through the night (on occasion), and being the light of my world.

He rolled over for the first time at Natalie and Travis Riley's house when we were down for a visit.  It was so great to see him do that and I was so excited!  He will soon be crawling and I will not be able to keep him from going anywhere.  He is already very active even though he is not crawling.  His legs are constantly moving!  He is one determined little man.
Hunter, I will probably tell you this the rest of your life but you truly are the most wonderful little man ever.  You bring so much joy to my life and amaze me every single day.  I don't know what I would do without you.   I know there will be days when you are older that you will push me to the limit but for now you are perfect in every way.  You have the personality of your dad and I combined, which is starting to get a little scary :)  One of these days you will give us a run for our money that is for sure!  You already know how to get to both of us and know how to use that little face of yours to get what you want.  I love you more everyday and can't wait to continue to watch you grow!

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