Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Some upcoming changes to the ol blog

Hello Everyone!

I am not really sure who all reads my blog but there have been some things come up recently that has led me to make some changes to my blog.  I am going to make my blog private and only open to readers that have requested access.  I am doing this to simply limit people that I do not want to know about what is going on with my family to be able to see it.  I know this might be harsh but I am doing what I feel is right at this time.  If you would still like to read updates on the Schafer's just send me your email address and I will be able to add you to the list.  I will probably make this change in the next 2 weeks!

Thank you for understanding and please either comment below with your email address or send it to me at schaferrach09@gmail.com


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