It has been a awhile since I have posted anything so this may be long.
We went to visit some friends in Longview last month (yes I just put the pictures on my computer) and their dog had recently had puppies. We were there with my sister, brother- in-law and Emma. Let me just say this little girl is not scared of anything. She loved holding the puppies, and she was so careful with them. It was precious. They also had a trampoline and we could not get her off of it.

Father's Day weekend was spent in Waco, without my parents. My mom took my dad to their favorite place for the weekend, VEGAS! And left the kids at home to put his gift together. My mom bought the grill, and we put together the bar top. It was so much fun, and great spending time with my sister. The bar top is made out of bottle caps...and no we did not drink them all during the weekend. A few but not all :) My dad loved it! We still have a few things to do to actually finish the bar, but we at least got a start to it. My dad is an amazing cook and I can not wait to eat some of the food he will prepare with his new grill!

Last weekend, Matt and I went to a bbq for his work. The house we were at blew my mind away! It was beautiful. But then again when you make the kind of money a Senior Partner does then you have the ability to have a beautiful house. The great thing about this couple is that you would never think they were that well off. They are so down to earth, and just great people. They graduated from Kansas State also, so that may have a little to do with it :)
We went to Billy Bob's that night for a Charlie Robison concert. It was great. Concerts are a little hard for me sometimes because I like to talk, but you can't really do that in a concert. But we still had fun listen to some great country music! Also Tuff Hedeman, world Champion bull rider, who also rode in 8 Seconds, came on stage and sang. It was awesome! I just wish we would have been able to meet him.

The previous owners of the house we are in had a doggie door going into the garage. So now when I come home Scout is poking his little head out waiting for me. It is so cute! He is too fat to fit any further. Also, after church we found Jackson, my sister's dog laying in the mud outside the church building. We go to a small church in Speegliville, so since we were heading out to my parents after church we brought the dogs with us. And when we were at my parents, their dog, Sully thought it would be fun to lay on me after he took a swim in the tank. It was lovely! Oh how I love my dogs!